Developer information


A bash script exists in order to automate the installation under debian OS. It is available in the internal esrf project:

Unit tests

A set of unit test have been developed in order to maintain the application.

You can run then by calling pytest

pytest tomwer orangecontrib



In order to generate the full documentation (html + htmlhelp) you can go for:

python build build_sphinx -b htmlhelp,html


python -m build build_sphinx -b htmlhelp,html


Environment variable




The idea is to decorelate the Graphical part of the processing part. So the project is containing the core package which should be able to process all the action without any call to qt.GUI infine.

Communication between bliss and tomwer

The communication between tomwer and bliss is insure via remote procedure call using json-rpc. Bliss is the client notifying about the advancement of the acquisition and tomwer is the server, able to launch some processing when an acquisition is finished.

This architecture avoid us the dependency to bliss and should insure an easier communication through version of both software with time.


None graphical workflow

we can launch orange workflows from command line by using the interpreter

But you should follow the structure : orangecontrib.esrf.widgets.xxxWidgets

orangecontrib.esrf.core should be Qt free.


To create a release we simply run :

python bdist_wheel --universal

As we don’t have any compile code we can create a universal wheel installable every where.

Just make sure you have wheel installed :

pip install wheel


Several demo videos have been created for tomwer. They are all available from To simply add the logo to a video you can use ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i tomwer/resources/gui/icons/tomwer.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=1700:900:enable='between(t,0,20)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

Orange Settings

Orange settings are stored under .local for example:

rm /users/opid19/.local/share/Orange/[WidgetPath].pickle

This is where the widgets settings are stored. In the case of the Ftseries, if the structure of the FastSetupDefaultGlobal is evolving you will have to remove this file in order to reset the new parameters set.