
This module contains some basic configuration options for Orange (for now mostly changing directories where settings and data are saved).

How it works#

The configuration is read from ‘{sys.prefix}/etc/orangerc.cfg’ which is a standard configparser file.


# An exemple orangerc.cfg file
# ----------------------------
# A number of variables are predefined:
# - prefix: `sys.prefix`
# - name: The application/library name ('Orange')
# - version: The application/library name ('Orange.__version__')
# - version.major, version.minor, version.micro: The version components

# The base path where persistent application data can be stored
# (here we define a prefix relative path)
data_dir_base = %(prefix)s/share
# the base path where application data can be stored
cache_dir = %(prefix)s/cache/%(name)s/%(version)s

# The following is only applicable for a running orange canvas application.

# The base dir where widgets store their settings
widget_settings_dir = %(prefix)s/config/%(name)s/widgets
# The base dir where canvas stores its settings
canvas_settings_dir = %(prefix)s/config/%(name)s/canvas


get_path(name[, default])

Get configured path