
class orangecontrib.tomwer.widgets.control.TomoObjSerieOW.TomoObjSerieOW(*args, captionTitle=None, **kwargs)#
class Inputs#
tomo_obj = Input(name='tomo obj', type=<class 'tomwer.core.tomwer_object.TomwerObject'>, handler='addTomoObj', ...)#
class Outputs#
serie = Output(name='serie', type=<class 'tomoscan.serie.Serie'>, ...)#
addTomoObj(value, id=None)#
description: str = 'Allow user define a serie of object that will be defined as a Serie (grouped together and can be used within a purpose like stiching)'#

Short widget description, displayed in canvas help tooltips.


alias of _TomoobjseriePlaceHolder

icon: str = 'icons/tomoobjserie.svg'#

Widget icon path, relative to the defining module.

id = 'orange.widgets.tomwer.tomoobjserieow'#
keywords: Union[str, List[str]] = ['tomography', 'selection', 'tomwer', 'serie', 'group']#

Widget keywords, used for finding it in the quick menu.

name: str = 'serie of objects'#

Widget name, as presented in the Canvas.

priority: int = 55#

Widget priority, used for sorting within a category.

resizing_enabled = True#

Should the widget’s window be resizeable? (if not, the widget will derive a fixed size constraint from its layout)

settingsHandler: SettingsHandler = <orangewidget.settings.SettingsHandler object>#

Settings handler, can be overridden for context handling.

want_control_area = False#

Should the widget construct a controlArea?

want_main_area = True#

Should the widget construct a mainArea? (a resizable area to the right of the controlArea)