
class orangecontrib.tomwer.widgets.visualization.SliceStackOW.SlicesStackOW(*args, captionTitle=None, **kwargs)#

This widget will make copy or virtual link to all received slice files in order to group them all in one place and be able to browse those (using the image stack of view in orange or a third software as silx view)

Options are:
  • copy files or create sym link (set to sym link)

  • overwrite if existing (set to False)


When the process receives a new data path ([scanPath]/[scan]) and if no output folder has been defined manually them it will try to create the folder [scanPath]/slices if not existing in order to redirect the slices files. If fails will ask for a directory. If the output folder is already existing then move directly to the copy.

class Inputs#
data = Input(name='data', type=<class 'tomwer.core.scan.scanbase.TomwerScanBase'>, handler='addLeafScan', ...)#
addLeafScan(value, id=None)#
description: str = 'This widget will save all scan path given to here and extract received *slice* files with there shortestunique basename to be able to browse them'#

Short widget description, displayed in canvas help tooltips.


alias of _SliceStackPlaceHolder

icon: str = 'icons/slicesstack.svg'#

Widget icon path, relative to the defining module.

id = 'orange.widgets.tomwer.slicesstack.slicesstack'#
keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent | None)#
keywords: Union[str, List[str]] = ['tomography', 'slices', 'tomwer', 'stack', 'group']#

Widget keywords, used for finding it in the quick menu.

name: str = 'slice stack'#

Widget name, as presented in the Canvas.

priority: int = 26#

Widget priority, used for sorting within a category.

resizing_enabled = True#

Should the widget’s window be resizeable? (if not, the widget will derive a fixed size constraint from its layout)

settingsHandler: SettingsHandler = <orangewidget.settings.SettingsHandler object>#

Settings handler, can be overridden for context handling.

want_control_area = False#

Should the widget construct a controlArea?

want_main_area = True#

Should the widget construct a mainArea? (a resizable area to the right of the controlArea)