volume casting#

volume object#

since version 1.0 tomwer can handle volume. volumes ‘object’ are generated by the following widget (on 1.1):

  • volume selector

  • cast volume

  • nabu volume reconstruction

  • python script

here are two videos showing how you can create a volume object from scratch:

volume cast volume casting icon#

the volume cast mimics the nabu API. Here is an example of how to create a volume object and cast it

from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo

YouTubeVideo("gQRWCsyIm7U", height=500, width=800)

warning: the cast volume widget is now returning two volumes:

  • volume: original volume

  • cast volume: the volume which has been casted

volume casting outputs

hand on - exercise A#

take one the volume from /scisoft/tomo_training/part5_volume_casting/volumes/ and cast it to another type using the volume selector and cast volume widgets.