tomwer canvas#


The tomwer canvas command launch the canvas to define and execute workflows



tomwer canvas [-h] [workkflow-file] [--use-opengl-plot]


workflow-file        Path to an already defined workflow.

--use-opengl-plot     Use opengl backend for silx plots.

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

--no-discovery        Don't run widget discovery (use full cache instead)

--force-discovery     Force full widget discovery (invalidate cache)

                      Load widget setting stored

--no-welcome          Don't show welcome dialog.

--no-splash           Don't show splash screen.

-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
                      Logging level (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

--style=STYLE         QStyle to use

                      Application level CSS style sheet to use

--qt=QT               Additional arguments for QApplication

--all-addon           display only add-on widgets

--no-color-stdout-logs, --no-colored-logs
                      instead of having logs in the log view, color logs of
                      the stdout

Examples of usage#

tomwer canvas my_workflow.ows