tomwer nxtomo-editor#


The tomwer nxtomo-editor allow user to edit some of the NXtomo metadata

When you launch the application available field (such as energy, pixel size…) will be loaded.

Then users can edit those fields and overwrite them in the NXtomo by clicking on the validate button.



tomwer nxtomo-editor [-h] [--debug] scan_path entry


scan_path             nexus file (HDF5 file) to edit.

entry                 path to the file where starts the NXtomo. Usually named 'entry', or 'entryXXXX'

debug                 Active debug logs.

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

Examples of usage#

tomwer nabu nexus_file.nx entry0000

How-to videos#

edit an NXtomo